Scared, But Humbled
Guess what? I'm in Cebu, and I got the job Teroy told me about. I'm still hoping to be absorbed as a regular teacher after the camp, but that's good isn't it? I find teaching a very good start for building a career; and this kind of teaching is in line with my interest because I'm teaching my favorite nationality, Koreans. I'm finally able to get a formal job of teaching them. Well, so much for that.
Cebu has been great for me. New place, new faces and new challenges. The place is new because I can't really get anywhere without company. New faces because I've met new friends at where I work. and new challenges, well... Because I'm viewed as a totally different person here by people who just met me. Well, let's just say that my experiences here are not what usually happened before, in Cagayan de Oro. Someone younger even tried to kiss me here... Heheh... It kind of got me thinking that depressed people actually think of weird things when they're isolated in a room. Good thing I was in good thinking condition. I could have just played on with the situation and do what was on hi mind. Scary, but true. I was kind of sad for him. But I appreciated him saying sorry for what he did. Well, there's more to life in my Cebu Adventure, I'm looking forward to meeting my long lost friend soon, but I don't know if I'd ever meet him in this place. Hopefully, I can.