Where Are We?  

Posted by Cybil

I thought I'd make a song for you and me, but I realized that I'm still not there. I realized that I'm still hanging by a thread in this place where I am now. I quickly grasp the only reality left in me, and I try to find some reason to survive this. I wish to not ever hang onto how you really feel, but how can that be when you don't even let me see the whole picture. I can't imagine why you're so afraid of what to feel when I know I will never abandon you without reason. In turn, i feel I'm the one abandoned and forgotten. You know how I am, and I don't want to push it. I'm not in a hurry, but I just want to know how you really feel, and not only what you think. It's already agonizing as it is to feel the possibility of not really meaning anything to you.

You know how much I seek for you each time I can't feel you here, but what's painful is the question of whether you seek for me too or not at all. I know you're tired, but don't I at least lessen your tiredness?

All I want to do is be your comfort even by just the thought of me, but that doesn't seem to even happen at all, does it? I don't have any idea.

Right now, I just really want to ease my mind and stop thinking and maybe just stop entirely.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 11:34 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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