Pressure Without The Push  

Posted by Cybil

Here I go again with this undeniably stupid remark and plan of pretense. I've been doing so well with the absence of such act of forcing myself not to think of anything at the moment, besides just doing good in everything I do and face. I've gone out of not getting hurt anymore though, but it just still keeps on bothering me that I still have those memories to keep even if I've already just set myself free from them. [Sigh...] Why do you keep coming back? Why do I still place myself in such unmeasurable affection?

Dreams for myself had never been so hard to make than it has been since the day you've come. No blame is placed on anyone, but myself, yet, here I am, looking for a way to just try to replace the thoughts and memories. Do I really crave to grace myself with scars that I could not ever do without?

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 3:32 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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