With Every Beat of My Heart  

Posted by Cybil

I've spoken to you so many times. I've just passed a day in my life, and yet the feeling does not end. I've questioned even the stars as to why I couldn't forget you; why I couldn't settle for more or less than only you? It's a struggle to ask so many times because whatever I do, I could not grasp the answer to the things that I ponder upon. Now, I could care less of how many times I'd shed my tears for you. I do not cry because you bring sadness to my life, but I cry because I know that the possibility of me being the reason why you smile each day could never be brought upon, no matter how much I show you that I love you so. I cry not because you sadden me, but because you had made me so happy before and now I realize that those memories could never happen again. I cry not because I like to, but because I love you with every beat of my heart.

I wished before that I shouldn't have just met you, so that I wouldn't have to go through the misery I'm experiencing now, but what the hell should I do now that the inevitable had already happened. I didn't know I could love you this much, I didn't know that life would bring us to this black hole, sucking us into oblivion. I didn't know I'd crave for you this greatly.

I hope that someday, I wouldn't need to cry because of you, but instead, I'd be able to laugh with you. I hope I'd stop missing you so much, because it aches so much inside. I hope I'd be okay, so that both of us would be happy together.

Hope and despair are dancing in unison; but expectation had died down; yet love is always here to stay.

...I loved you then, I love you still and I will love you, always...

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 1:29 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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