
So Many Decision Makers  

Posted by Cybil

I don't get it, why are so many people deciding how I should go on with my life. It's not like I want to leave anyone behind, it's just that I want to live m own life and make myself stand on m own, is that so bad? I don't have any grudges on any one. I don't have a past I need to leave behind, I just want to have a life. Is it so bad if I don't want to depend on myself? Is it so bad if I do what I do depending on how I do it? I just want to be independent, not meaning that I don't want to be scolded and such; that's a part of it, but primarily, I want to stand on my own, and do what I can do without others' help. I don't know, I don't want to just sit around and wait for someone to help me. I want to do it on my own. And not only that, I can help in any way I can. The point is, I'm not ypung anymore, I old... older that I was before. If people keep saying that I'm too young for a job, or too young to live on my own, then when will I be old enough? I don't want to spend my life living with my parents, not because I hate them, but because I jut want to help myself for once, and be an adult for starters. For 19 whole years, I've been with them, can't I be one my own for the next 50 or so years? Can I live alone for at least 5 years or so? Please let me go.... I just want to go.... Is that so bad?

This entry was posted on Monday, April 02, 2007 at 3:21 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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