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Posted by Cybil

It's such a futile effort to forget you since it will only scar my mind even just thinking about it. It's better left unsaid if I have plans of letting you go. I have seen your smile for the last time and that will be enough for me. I had plans to tell you what I feel, but everything is just too complicated. I don't think I could live thinking that you might feel that I'm just taking advantage of the friendship we had. I won't be telling you anymore, I may have had plans and I have had told myself that no matter what I'll let you know; but no regrets will be felt now that you're happy by her side. I just hope she won't use you for your money. I will be happy for you, for we are friends first before any other relationship. I will still treasure you even if you don't do the same for me. I may have to move on, but I know that forgetting you will be impossible. Thank you for smiling one last time and thank you for replying even though I thought you wouldn't. I miss you friend, I forever will.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 5:59 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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