
Creepily Moving On  

Posted by Cybil

It's been a while since I've looked back at my last love interest. Surprisingly, as it has never been me, I have moved on so fast; and I'm very happy about it. I've met people I have been with all my life and I have finally known the people around me in a different and brighter light. At the moment? I'm very happy. And you know what? I'm loving again... But it's still in the same way. I'm still alone in this love though, but it's fine. His attention is mine everytime we're together anyway, that's enough for me now.

I've met new friends who have been with me for quite some time already. I have 3 homes to go to now, and it's quite refreshing to find out that life might not be too boring here after all. I'm going crazy like before again. It was hard crying alone, but now I know I will never be alone, even if the people I have with me now will be going somewhere for their future's sake, but I know that I'll be in their mind and their memory. This feeling has never been with me until this time since the end of 2nd year high school. I feel like I'm alive again.

The atmosphere is quite different, though. It's actually more mature. I'm still my crazy self, but I know how that my boring seriousness won't be boring even if I just try to be myself and just try to talk about things the way I want to. I have been looking for this chance to be this grown up, yet still be childish at the same time. I have finally found my peace, but with this, I've also found a new trial to face, and another martyrdom to cope with; but all in all.... I'm very happy. Hmmm... here goes another loveless February, though.

This entry was posted on Saturday, February 02, 2008 at 7:37 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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